New Mexico Drug Card Media Center

New Mexico Drug Card Presents Donation and Tours UNM Children’s Hospital

Left to right: Michelle Casias (Greater Albuquerque Chamber), Beverly Cruz (Greater Albuquerque Chamber), Kyler Barrett (New Mexico Drug Card), Jennifer (CMN Nurse) and Alex Rich (CMN Program Director)
The New Mexico Drug Card team visited and toured the state’s only Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. During this visit New Mexico Drug Card had the opportunity to present a donation of $7,782.75 with the help of this prescription savings program. UNM Children’s Hospital offers complete pediatric care from acute illnesses and emergencies to comlex diseases and developmental disabilities. Through philanthropy, the hospital can provide a certain level of comfort to their tiny patients such as the play area on the rooftop of the 6th floor which has an incrdeible view of the New Mexico skyline. Each time the New Mexico Drug Card is utilized (year-round) a donation is made to UNM Children’s Hospital.
Since 2015, the United Networks of America partnership with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has raised over $2.4 million dollars for local children’s hospitals. Of this, $7,782.75 has been raised for UNM Children’s Hospital.
United Networks of America is one of the largest providers of value added managed care products and services in the United States. Since 1993, United Networks of America has continued to grow its network to more than 240,000 participating providers serving more than 120.1 million members across the United States of America, Puerto Rico, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands. The diverse membership base is a testament to the versatility and value of those networks. United Networks of America clients include TPA’s, insurance companies, associations, universities, federal and state governments, school systems, large employers, among others. Each year, United Networks of America programs continue to receive the highest rankings in the country among value added programs. For more information on United Networks of America please click here